The Technical University – Sofia hosted the official meeting of European University of Technology EUT+


  Оn February 27, 2024 the National Center for Mechatronics and Clean Technologies at the Technical University in Sofia hosted the official opening of “Sofia Week”, one of the regular meetings of the European University of Technology EUt+. The meeting was attended by over 120 representatives from the nine member universities of the alliance. 

The Rector of the Technical University of Sofia, Professor Ivan Kralov, DSc, opened the working meeting acknowledging that the European University of Technology is striving towards becoming one of the best university alliances creating the engineering elite of the future. The education and knowledge are the best investment, he emphasised.

Prof. Lidia Galabova, Vice-rector for International Affairs and Integrity, presented the research and development of the TU – Sofia in the context of the European University of Technology, acknowledging the work of the alliance towards establishment of new European model of higher education.

An important aspect of the work of TU – Sofia, being part of the alliance is the internationalisation and cooperation in various research fields through the establishment of joint interdisciplinary research teams together with researchers from all EUt+ members. This will contribute to develop further not only of the strategic research fields, but will give opportunity to create new knowledge in the emerging research fields.

Dr. Timothée Toury, Secretary General of the EUt+ acquainted the participants with some pivotal moments related to the further activities of the alliance and outlined the directions of strategic importance for its future development.

The Member of the European Parliament, Mr Marcos Ros greeted the participants and presented a keynote speech entitled “European universities alliances: the third revolution in EU higher education”.

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