From 25 to 29 November, the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio hosted for the first time a working meeting of partner universities of the alliance EUT+. More than 150 participants called upon to present the results of the first year of intense collaboration within the 37 working groups distributed over the 11 Work Packages into which the ambitious EUT+ project is organised.
Cassino Week take place on Tuesday, 26 November, in the Aula Magna Federico Rossi of the Folcara Campus. One year after the start of Phase II, it was time to review the path taken by the nine members of the European University of Technology.
The meeting attended by a representative of the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research, as well as by important UNICAS partners on the sustainability challenge, a crucial issue for the European Commission on which EUT+ is particularly active. The event also represents an important opportunity for territorial valorisation, with the valuable support of local authorities and administrations.
On 26th November Rectors and Principal representatives have jointly risen the flags of their universities as a symbol of EUt+ Alliance unity.
The last day of the meeting is held in the picturesque cultural heritage Angevin Aragonese Castle, symbol of the town Gaeta.