EUt+ 9th partner Cartagena

The European University of Technology completes the first phase of the EUT+ Accelerate project

During the working week from 26th to 29th of September, the representatives of the 9 Universities got acquainted in detail with the main goals and achieved indicators of the project. Among them stands out the remarkable increase of students who participated in the mobility cards developed in the universities of the Alliance. After three years of intensive work on the initiative, the heads of the eight work packages and project tasks resented the main achievements and indicators. By the end of this year, the achieved results will be reported to the European Commission for evaluation by the end of the year.


During the work week, Beatriz Miguel Hernández, Rector of Cartagena and host of the final event welcomed Marco dell’Isola, Rector of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, who will officially join the Alliance on November 1st as the ninth partner.


During the 8 plenary sessions, all the tasks and key performance indicators that were part of the first EUt+ project launched in November 2020 were presented. The large number of complementary projects between the Alliance universities were also presented. They are funded by several European programs, mainly by the Erasmus+ programs (innovation alliances, cooperation partnerships), Horizon Europe pillars (Marie Curie actions – COFUND, staff exchange), and the European Innovation Council. A total of 55 submitted projects and 11 are in preparation, with a success rate of about 60%.

The synchronization of 6 EUt+ undergraduate and graduate study plans for students: “Telecommunications and Networks”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “Civil Engineering”, “Industrial Engineering”, “Architecture”, “Food Technology and Technology” and the Bachelor’s Degree in “Sustainable Development ” greatly facilitated student exchange. Staff mobility between EUt+ members has increased exponentially, starting with just 12 mobilities from spring 2021 to 342 in spring 2023. Three new EUt+ curricula were approved during the Rectors’ Council during the working week: Bachelor of Computer Science, Master of Microelectronics, and Master of Environmental Engineering. The Secretary General of the Alliance, Mr. Timothee Toury is starting to design the road map for the activities of the second phase, which will start in a month.

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