The Rector of the Technical University of Sofia Prof. Eng. Ivan Kralov met with prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz, The President of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is a partner of the European University of Technology EUt + and is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany. There are over 70 bachelor’s and master’s programs, offering excellent study and career prospects to over 17,000 students.

Prof. Kralov expressed his satisfaction about the meetings held so far with the partners of the Alliance, and exchanged collaboration and information. He presented the researcher activities, laboratories and achievements of the Technical University of Sofia in the field of high technologies and engineering sciences.

The President of the University of Darmstadt, prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz, thanked for the warm welcome and emphasized that he was very impressed with the research and competence centers, the laboratories and the study conditions for the students. “It was impressive. This high-tech material base is nowhere to be found in Germany except in private research organizations. I think it will be very important for researchers as well as students from Germany to come and collaborate in doing science together. I’m impressed with what I’ve seen and it’s really something I’ll take with me to Germany and tell everyone that it’s really worth coming and seeing for yourself and then working out programs for active collaboration. I could see not only an opportunity, but actually a necessity to work together on many topics. And it should be easy to do – we just have to tell all colleagues, open their eyes and do different projects together. We have the EUt+ framework where it’s easy to collaborate and we don’t need to create separate contracts that we need to do with new partners. I am convinced that such developments will start to happen after we have already launched the second phase of the project. We can start the implementation of all the programs for the sake of the good education and future of the students”.

Prof. Kralov emphasized: “I’m glad that we’re creating a plan for future cooperation. The general program of EUt+ enables the exchange of personnel, teachers and students’ knowledge and technologies, in order to change the world for the better”.

Prof. Steinmetz visited the Center for Mechatronics and Clean Technologies, got acquainted with the capabilities of many laboratories at the Technical University of Sofia as well as visited student lectures and got acquainted with a doctoral project. He emphasized on the relation between research topics and competences of Bulgarian and German researchers.



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