University of Technology of Troyes

University of Technology of Troyes

University of Technology of Troyes

The University of Technology of Troyes was founded on the 14th of September 1994. Although the current buildings were not inaugurated until 3 years later, the institution was already showing its willingness to develop quality research activities within laboratories recognised in identified scientific fields. Two cutting-edge laboratories were already in placeĀ at the time : the laboratory of nanotechnologies and optical instrumentation (L2n) and the laboratory of mechanical systems and simultaneous engineering (LASMIS), both labelled by the CNRS. After 10 years, UTT was already a leading institution in the development of education and technological research in France. From 1998 onwards, research activities flourished and a research unit on Interdisciplinary studies on sustainable development was created, which constituted a very promising opening on themes that are essential for the future of the planet.

Nowadays, research activities are carried out by more than 360 people, including researchers, doctoral students, technical and administrative staff distributed in 5 research units working in the fields of automatic mesh Generation & advanced methods (GAMMA3), light, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies (L2N-CNRS-EMR 704), mechanical and material Engineering (LASMIS), computer science and digital society (LIST3N), interdisciplinary research on Society-Technology-Environment interactions (InSyTE).

The institution offers a model of scientific activities specific to universities of technology, articulating fundamental research, disciplinary research and technological research responding to major societal challenges. In order to reach a wider audience and encourage the young people to choose careers in research, the UTT welcomes the public and students of the Grand Est region to various outreach and awareness-raising activities, including the Festival of Science, an event created in France in 1991. In 2021, this festival will become the “Festival of Science and Technology” with a particular focus on technologies developed at UTT.