Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences


Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Founded on 1 August 1971, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) has a longer history than this date suggests, as it was formed from the merger of several predecessor institutions. With our 12 faculties, we cover various scientific fields – from classical engineering, STEM, media and informatics over architecture and design to social sciences and social work. With a student body of about 17,000, we are one of the largest and most distinguished universities of applied sciences in Germany. Our excellent reputation is the result of a scientifically grounded, real-world approach to higher education and the professional success of its graduates.

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences puts science into action. As a university of applied sciences, we are aware of our social responsibility and stand for practice-oriented, problem-solving research and development in reciprocal exchange with stakeholders from society, politics, academia and business. These partnerships always aspire to deliver concrete results and solutions. In the process, we concentrate on socially significant topics, placing a special focus on sustainable development.


Research at h_da covers a broad spectrum – from engineering to natural sciences, media and social sciences to design and architecture. To meet the complex challenges of our times, we conduct research across disciplines and network with regional and international stakeholders. Our research activities especially target three current social challenges:

Digitalisation and Society

Our researchers are working on various applied computer science topics, for example in the areas of IT security, artificial intelligence, knowledge and information management, but are also accompanying the digital transformation in society and the economy.

Sustainability and Transformation

Sustainable development and transformation are a common theme throughout h_da. In addition to a wide range of research and teaching projects with this focus, we are helping to raise awareness of this topic, and it is important for us to act ourselves in a way that is as sustainable and future-proof as possible.

Mobility and Energy

In this area, the focus is on sustainable mobility and renewable energies, reduction of resource consumption and environmental pollution, intelligent networking and energy supply as well as concepts for sustainable mobility behaviour.

Research Centres

To develop solutions to many different challenges, researchers at h_da are organised in cross-faculty research groups and institutes. Particularly worth highlighting, are the four research centres:

Research Center for Applied Computer Science

Under the centre’s umbrella, researchers from five faculties are working on applied computer science topics, such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 or human-machine interaction.

Research Center Digital Communication and Media Innovation

As a think tank and experimental laboratory, the research centre combines engineering and social science research traditions, thus bundling our media expertise, especially in digital communication.

Research Center Sustainable Processes and Procedures

Scientists at the centre are conducting cross-disciplinary research into how the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 can be achieved.

Research Center Material and Process Technology

At the core of the center’s activities are questions of resource efficiency. It focuses, among others, on developing innovative production processes and optimising the properties of multi-material systems.

Innovation & Transfer

h_da sees itself as a catalyst and driver of innovation. In this role, we want to significantly co-shape the future of the Rhine-Main region. In addition, we are optimally networked throughout Europe across all disciplines and in this way generate internationally visible results on a regular basis.

As we are convinced of the great benefit of such transfer, we offer wide-ranging opportunities for cooperation and participation and in this context pursue various approaches. Namely, transfer …

… through exchange of information

… through cooperation

… via transfer projects

… by supporting start-ups

… through technological development

… via heads

Examples of our Research Work

Our scientists are involved in a large number of very different research projects. The following selected examples spotlight our highly diversified, application-oriented research work:

Cyber Security

h_da is participating in ATHENE, Europe’s largest center for cyber security, and in hessian.AI, the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence.

Product Cycles

In the Clean Circles collaborative project, researchers are working on an innovative energy-material cycle and in the Combi4Products collaborative project on the combination and further development of treatment processes for biological waste and residues to generate high-quality biobased products.


In TRABITA, a LOEWE project, h_da is conducting research into the development of new active pharmaceutical ingredients that might one day be used to fight diseases such as breast cancer, diabetes or Huntington’s chorea.