Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)


Cyprus University of Technology

The Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is a public research university located in Limassol, Cyprus. It was founded in 2004 and opened its doors to students in 2007. CUT is the youngest of the three public universities in Cyprus, and is known for its research excellence and partnerships with industry.

As a public and independent University, CUT has developed into a modern, pioneering university that offers education and research excellence with a high impact on economy and society. Research activities cover fundamental and applied research in academic fields related to the University’s seven faculties and fifteendepartments.

CUT has 3,000 students attending academic programmes. The majority of the students, 2,100, are undergraduate, followed by 650 post graduate students and 250 doctoral students. CTU employs 330 teaching and research staff and 220 administrative staff.

Even though CUT initiated its research activity very recently, it implements a significant number of research projects funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and European research projects under the European Research Framework Programmes, the LIFE Programme, the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes and others.

The university has a strong focus on computer science and engineering, and has over 250 funded research projects totalling more than 44 million euros. CUT is also home to a number of research centres, including ones focused on multimedia and graphic arts, mechanical engineering, materials science, electrical engineering, and computer engineering and informatics.

CUT has a strong track record of successful graduates, with over 80% finding employment in their fields of study within a year of graduation. The university is also home to 24 academics who have been recognized as among the world’s leading researchers by the University of Stanford. In recent years, CUT has received several awards for its research, including the “Best innovation award” and “Best booth” prizes at the European Commission’s “Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage.”