Riga Technical University (RTU)


Riga Technical University (RTU)

 Riga Technical University (RTU) is a modern internationally recognized university. It is the only polytechnical university in Latvia and the largest university in the country,educating almost 15000 students annually. It was established in 1862 and it is the oldest technical university in the Baltic states.

RTU not only provides high quality education, but also conducts advanced research and ensures innovation and technology transfer, practically implementing scientific discoveries. RTU is important contributor to economic growth in Latvia.

Main directions of the RTU research: advanced materials, processes and technologies, information and communication systems, nanophotonics, fiber optical transmission systems and components, integrated photonics, robotics in cyber physical systems, climate and energy technologies, cities and development

RTU is constantly modernizing its infrastructure on Ķipsala Island, the greenest campus in Latvia.  On completion, the campus will be the most advanced engineering study centre in the Baltic Region.

International scientific collaboration

Latvia is full associate member of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). RTU has signed the Memorandum of Understanding with CERN on membership in the Future Circular Collider (FCC) research project. RTU researchers have been contributing actively on the new concept development for the FCC tunnel, its operation and repair by using robots and telemanipulation, as well as laser cladding.

The EU-funded BBCE (The Baltic Biomaterials Center of Excellence) project brings together four Latvian partners and two mentors – AO Research Institute Davos, Switzerland (ARI) and Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (FAU) – to create a critical mass in the Baltics for excellence in biomaterials research for bone regeneration. The BBCE will foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between local and international research organizations and industry, bring together partners’ competencies and develop infrastructure, thus strengthening the biomaterials industry in the region and enabling scientists to research, develop and commercialize new biomaterials.

In 2021 a cooperation agreement was signed with the European Space Agency on the establishment of ESA lab @ RTU and developing business incubator ESA BIC together with commercial partners. RTU will increase the development of space technology research, innovation development and industry education in Latvia. Main research directions in this collaboration: material science, electronics and green solution.

Collaboration with industry

Close cooperation with industries and the creation of practical and applied technologies for society has always been a priority of the Riga Technical University. There are many different forms of cooperation such as joint projects, development of new solutions and technologies, student internships and others. The most popular way of cooperation is contract research, it is carried out by for Latvian and foreign companies of various industries and sizes, e.g. JSC “Olainfarm”, JSC “Grindeks”, JSC “Latvijas valsts meži”, LTD “Sakret”, JSC “Valmieras stikla šķiedra”, LTD “Latvijas Mobilais Telefons”, JSC “Latvenergo”.

RTU successfully operates in the field of technology commercialization. RTU scientists have transferred to companies technological solution for online drinking water quality monitoring and early warning system, method for the production advanced biodiesel from residual soapstock of oil production, and solution that enables the use of biodegradable by-products in a protein-rich extract for ruminants or fish. Besides, RTU collaborates with international companies such as Daimler AG, Siemens, Mitutoyo and others.

In close collaboration with the industry partners RTU has started the Industrial PhD project. The university in cooperation with the enterprise trains PhD students in the fields and directions initiated by the enterprise. The PhD students are employed in the university as well as actively are involved in the R&D activities of the enterprise. RTU has active collaboration with LMT – a mobile telecommunications operator, CEWOOD – a manufacturer of panels of wood wool and Sakret – a manufacturer of dry and ready-to-use construction mixes. In the framework of this programme the following technologies are developed: a sensor device for the Internet of Things  (IoT) in smart cities and system for airborne drone communication, 3D printed concrete and innovative building materials from wood production waste, etc

Start-up ecosystem

Competencies of the team of highly qualified experts of the Science and Innovation Centre (SIC)meet an excellent technical support – the best-equipped prototyping workshop in the Baltic States and supercomputing resources which are located in RTU. The SIC enhances students’ innovation and entrepreneurial capacity, promotes knowledge transfer processes, expands services to entrepreneurs and scientific institutions, and is actively involved in local and international innovation ecosystems.

The goal of the SIC activities is to ensure implementation of the RTU strategy and sustainable valorisation goals and growth by promoting scientific activities and the involvement of academic staff and students in innovation and knowledge transfer processes, collaborating with industry and scientific institutions.

Notable RTU alumni:

  • Wilhelm Ostwald – Nobel prize winner in chemistry;
  • Paul Walden – World-wide known chemist;
  • Friedrich Zander – Rocketry and spaceflight pioneer;
  • Georgs Armitsteds – Engineer, the mayor of Riga at the beginning of the 20th century;
  • Valdis Dombrovskis – European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue;
  • Zigfrīds Anna Meierovics – the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and the second Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia;
  • Andris Bērziņš – the President of Latvia from 2011 to 2015.